Who is Ritu Banga? Meet Ajay Bangas Wife

Publish date: 2024-03-08

Ritu Banga is a social business person, donor, financial backer, and board individual from a few associations. She is additionally the spouse of Ajay Banga, the executive of General Atlantic and the previous Chief of Mastercard.

Early Life and Training Ritu Banga was born and brought up in India. She moved on from Woman Shri Slam School for Ladies in Delhi with a degree in financial matters. She then sought after her MBA from the Indian Organization of The board Ahmedabad (IIMA), one of the most lofty business colleges in India. She was among the couple of ladies who moved on from IIMA in 1981.

Vocation and Business Ritu Banga began her vocation in publicizing, working for Rediffusion, an IIMA graduated class startup. She then joined HCL as a program supervisor, where she took care of marketing and deals for PC equipment and programming items. She later moved to Mode, another IIM Calcutta graduated class startup, where she advertised research for purchaser labor and products.

In 1994, Ritu Banga established her own counseling firm, Perspective, which had practical experience in subjective exploration and brand technique. She worked with clients like Unilever, PepsiCo, Settle, Colgate-Palmolive, and others. She additionally directed studios and courses on shopper conduct and marketing.

In 1997, Ritu Banga moved to the US with her better half and kids. She kept on running her counseling firm from a distance until 2004 when she chose to shut it down. She then, at that point, zeroed in on her family and local area contribution. She turned into a functioning individual from the leading body of legal administrators of Marymount School of New York, a Catholic young ladies’ school. She additionally served on the warning panel of the American Organization of Designers New York part.

Ritu Banga In 2012, Ritu Banga helped to establish Zoomdojo, a social undertaking that gives on the web and disconnected profession assets and direction to understudies, late alumni, and startup originators. Zoomdojo means to assist youngsters with securing positions and temporary jobs, foster their abilities, and organization with coaches and businesses. Zoomdojo likewise arranges occasions and studios on different subjects connected with profession advancement and business venture.

Generosity and Social Effect Ritu Banga is energetic about worldwide medical care value, instruction, youth work, and ladies strengthening. She has supported a blessing at Weill Cornell Medication that yearly gives out the Ritu Banga Medical services Incongruities Exploration Grants. The honors support greatness in research that will at last prompt enhancements in the wellbeing of ladies and underrepresented minorities and diminish wellbeing abberations in medical care frameworks and clinical settings.

Ritu Banga is likewise an individual from the leading group of colleagues of Weill Cornell Medication, where she exhorts on essential drives and raising money endeavors. She is likewise a warning board part and financial backer of QuadFi, a Canadian fintech organization that utilizes modern individual and monetary information and applies computer based intelligence to make an elective credit score framework for imperceptible acknowledge gatherings like ongoing alumni and migrants.

Ritu Banga is likewise a warning board part and financial backer of SmartPurse, a cash instructing and learning e-tool compartment that rouses ladies to fabricate monetary certainty and freedom. She is likewise an individual from the public warning committee of Virtual Endeavors Global, a non-benefit association that offers experiential learning programs for secondary school understudies to make and maintain their own virtual organizations.

Ritu Banga is additionally associated with supporting training for young ladies and ladies in Asia. She is an establishing individual from the leading group of legal administrators of Asian College for Ladies (AUW), a human sciences college in Bangladesh that offers quality schooling to ladies from different foundations across Asia. She is likewise an ally of Pratham USA, an association that attempts to work on the nature of training for youngsters in India.

Individual Life Ritu Banga is hitched to Ajay Banga, who is presently the director of General Atlantic, a confidential value firm that puts resources into development organizations across different areas and districts. He was already the president and Chief of Mastercard from 2010 to 2020. He was likewise designated by the US government as a possibility for the leader of the World Bank in 2019.

Ritu Banga and Ajay Banga have two girls, Jojo and Didi. They live in New York City. They are both ardent craftsmanship gatherers and allies of different social foundations like the Metropolitan Gallery of Workmanship, the Asia Society, and the Lincoln Place for Performing Expressions.

End Ritu Banga is a complex lady who has succeeded in different fields like business, business venture, generosity, and social effect. She is a good example for the majority young ladies who try to seek after their interests and have an effect on the planet. She is likewise a caring spouse and mother who adjusts her own and proficient existence with effortlessness and pride. She is genuinely a motivation for all.
