What did Dwayne Yuen do? Punahou basketball coach arrested by FBI on alleged child s*x crimes

Publish date: 2024-03-06

Dwayne Yuen has been a young ladies’ b-ball mentor at Punahou Secondary School since the mid 2000s. The Government Agency of Examination captured him on Thursday, February 2, for ownership of kid s*x misuse material.

The 49-year-old has recently been blamed for s*xually attacking young players in the ball group. The charges were privately addressed any outstanding issues.

The FBI has additionally requested that potential casualties approach. Their personalities won’t be compromised, and they may be called for additional assertions.

In 2020, three underage understudy competitors approached alongside two unknown casualties and pointed fingers at Yuen for prepping and manhandling them. The offended parties were Shwana-Lei Kuehu, Ilima-Lei Macfarlane, Mahina Macfarlane, and two unknown ladies.

In August 2021, they arrived at a settlement out of court, and the whole matter was excused. The settlement sum hasn’t been uncovered, and the school put out a statement of regret.

On Yuen’s capture, James Curry, the representative for the FBI’s Honolulu Field Office, said:

“Today, The FBI captured Dwayne Yuen at his home (Manoa) on government charges connected with the ownership of kid s*x misuse material.”
A site set up by the FBI for casualties to visit and contact specialists expressed:

“It is accepted Yuen reached his casualties face to face and through electronic correspondences, taking part in the criminal behavior for a really long time, as far back as 2004. In spite of the fact that Yuen dwelled on Oahu, he might have gone to different islands and areas while training b-ball all through the years.”Screenshot of a tweet enumerating Shawna-Lei's claim against the previous ball mentor (Picture by means of Twitter/@bullsey66178832)
Screen capture of a tweet specifying Shawna-Lei’s claim against the previous b-ball mentor (Picture by means of Twitter/@bullsey66178832)
Dwayne Yuen could have to deal with upwards of 10 years in jail at least whenever viewed as liable.

The objection says that Yuen sent a line of instant messages to the person in question, including express photographs of himself, and requested that the casualties perform s*xual acts with him and to send unequivocal photographs of themselves. He more than once got gifts for the person in question and proposed to pay extra cash on the off chance that she drew in with him s*xually (for instance, telephone s*x).

Subsequent to getting a warrant, Dwayne Yuen’s iCloud Record was looked, and pictures of the casualties that were either sent at his solicitation or were caught during a video talk were found.

Angered by any semblance of Dwayne Yuen, individuals request equity
Discussing Yuen’s capture, US Lawyer Connors said:

“This protest accuses respondent of over and over exploiting a minor who played in a group he trained. The supposed direct is an unpardonable infringement of the trust the two guardians and the local area place in grown-ups liable for their youngsters’ athletic undertakings.”

kimberlitty Talking about Dwayne Yuen’s supposed attack, acting Specialist in Control Floyd said that it is the FBI’s main concern to safeguard “our kids.” He said:

“The supposed activities of Mr. Yuen are completely disreputable. Our examination shows he manhandled the force of his situation as a confided in individual from the local area to take advantage of the most defenseless – our keiki. Safeguarding our kids and considering the people who go after them responsible is a first concern for the FBI. We will persevere relentlessly while exploring these deplorable wrongdoings.”
Yuen’s most memorable court appearance is planned to occur in the US Area Court on February 3, 2023, at 10.30 am before US Justice Judge Rom Dealer.
